I received an email a few weeks ago from a man in Canada who wanted to order some one-of-a-kind jewelry for his girlfriend. He explained that she lost her favorite pair of gemstone earrings, and he wanted to replace them. He went on to say he saw 2 pairs of earrings on my website that were similar to what she had and wanted to know if I could combine the different gemstones into a pair of earrings she would love.
So, you know at that point I went to work. You don't have to ask me twice to create some handmade jewelry. I'm happy to say my earrings made it through customs, and he sent me a picture of her after she was given the special gift. From the smile on her face, I think she loves them. I think it's so sweet that he knows her tastes so well and that he took the time to search the internet to get just the right pair.
This was a bit of a first for me. I have had people in the U.S. buy gifts for family and friends in other countries and ship them, but this was the first time I had an actual online overseas order. I can truly say I'm an international handcrafted jewelry designer.
I think this is just the beginning of another level for my handmade jewelry business. Thank you all for supporting me throughout these years. Stick around for what's next!